Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Children's work
The lion and the mouse
Once upon a time there was a lion sleeping in the forest under a big tree. On the big tree there was a tiny mouse. But the poor mouse slipped and fell on the lion’s head. The lion woke up very angry and roared. “Don’t eat me”, said the mouse. “Please don’t eat me and one day I will help you.” The lion laughed and laughed and let the mouse run away.
The next day, three men came to the forest because they wanted to catch a lion for the circus. They saw the big lion sleeping under a tree and put a net over him and left him there so they get the truck to take him. The lion roared and roared. The tiny mouse heard him and went to see what was happening. He saw the lion in the net. He cut the net with his teeth and the lion was free. The lion and the mouse stayed friends forever.
Miguel Tabone, Bronwyn Carabott, Damien Bugeja, Kieran Micallef, Eleanor Cogzell.
Once upon a time there was a lion sleeping in the forest under a big tree. On the big tree there was a tiny mouse. But the poor mouse slipped and fell on the lion’s head. The lion woke up very angry and roared. “Don’t eat me”, said the mouse. “Please don’t eat me and one day I will help you.” The lion laughed and laughed and let the mouse run away.
The next day, three men came to the forest because they wanted to catch a lion for the circus. They saw the big lion sleeping under a tree and put a net over him and left him there so they get the truck to take him. The lion roared and roared. The tiny mouse heard him and went to see what was happening. He saw the lion in the net. He cut the net with his teeth and the lion was free. The lion and the mouse stayed friends forever.
Miguel Tabone, Bronwyn Carabott, Damien Bugeja, Kieran Micallef, Eleanor Cogzell.
The lion and the horse
Once upon a time there were a lion and a horse. The horse said to the lion, ”if you beat me in racing you can have all my trophies.”
The next week the lion prepared the racing track. The horse made posters and stuck them all over the forest. The lion and the horse met for the race. They were very nervious and excited about the race. Their friend the monkey and many other animals where there for the race. The monkey said, “on your marks, get set, go!!!”
In the middle of the race the horse fell down. The lion passed the horse. Now the lion was first. The horse got up quickly and ran but it was too late, the lion won.
The horse, sadly went up to the lion and said, “now you can have all my trophies.”
Shaniah Bonello, Luke Borg, Keith Bonello, Samira Buhagiar, Raoul Biomonte
The hippo and the monkey
Once upon a time there was a hippo and a monkey. The hippo was teasing the monkey that he was the most big and strong animal in the jungle. The hippo said that he should be the chief. They made a bet. If the hippo pulls the monkey into the water, the monkey will be the hippo’s servant for ever. If the monkey pulls out the hippo out of the water the monkey shall be the chief.
The monkey got a rope and gave one end to the hippo and went away with the other end. He tied it to a very big, strong tree. The hippos pulled and pulled all day. He thought that the monkey was very strong, so he went out of the water to have a look. Than the monkey ran down from the tree. The monkey won.
Chrstopher Casha, Jake Attard, Caprice Spiteri, Benjamin Spiteri.
Archbishop Paul Cremona

Today the Archbishop Paul Cremona visited our School. First he was welcomed by all the students in the school yard and the year 3's sang 'I have a dream'. Then he made a short visit to all classes in school.
Well done year 3's.
Click here to read about the visit:
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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