Friday, May 25, 2012

 Happy birthday Tristan Bugeja!
Happy birthday Jesmon!

Merit Day

Well done to all kids in my class.
You did all a great job!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kirkop Sports Complex

Today 23rd of May all year 3s went to Kirkop Sports Complex to meet other year 3s from our college and have a fun sports day. We had 11 stations with different games for the children. Here are some photos and
videos I took this morning.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Swimming festival

Last Friday 18th May all year 3s went to the national pool for a swimming festival. All children were grouped according to their ability to swim and had different swimming techniques shown and fun games. All children had fun. :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Happy birthday Nicole Porter

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Extra work for you :)

Nearest ten

Using is and are



More adding

Il-banda fl-iskola tagħna

Nhar il-Ħamis 10 ta' Mejjuġewwa l-iskola tagħna ġew xi membri tal-Banda Duke of Connaught Own ta' Birkirkara. Lit-tfal tal-year 3's u 4's għamlulhom workshop fejn ingħataw xi informazzjoni dwar strumenti differenti li nsibu f''banda tradizzjonali Maltija. Uħud mit-tfal kellhoj ukoll l-opportunita li jdoqqu xi strumenti tal-perkussjoni. Kulħadd ħa gost u tgħallem xi ħaġa ukoll.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


It-tfal kellhom seba' kelmiet u riedu jiffurmaw storja bihom. Il-kliem kienu vażun, fjuri, maġija, zokk, friefet, tifla u Naomi.

Darba waħda kien hemm tifla jisimha Naomi. Din kienet tħobb ħafna l-friefet. F'kamritha lemħet il-vażun li kien fih ħafna fjuri kkuluriti. Wara bil-maġija tagħha bidlet il-fjuri fi friefet. Huma telqu jistrieħu fuq zokk.
Haley Bugeja

Darba waħda kien hemm tifla jisimha Naomi. Darba Naomi sabet zokk tal-maġija. Naomi bil-maġija tista tagħmel li trid. Darba Naomi b'dan iz-zokk għamlet vażun mimli fjuri, imbagħad Naomi mliet il-ġnien kollu friefet.
Shaliziah Buttigieg

Darba waħda kien hemm tifla jisimha Naomi. Din kienet tħobb tagħmel il-maġija. Darba bidlet vażun vojt f'wieħed kollha fjuri ħomor, sofor u vjola. Il-mama' tgħidx kemm ferħet. Imma Naomi reġgħet għamlet maġija oħra u bidlet il-fjuri fi friefet. Il-kamra tal-kċina kienet kollha friefet. Il-mama' tgħidx kemm għajtet għax kienet tibża' minnhom.
Nicole Porter

Darba kien hemm tifla jisimha Naomi li kienet tixtieq tliet friefet li kienu jafu jagħmlu l-maġija. Marret fil-ġnien u marret inkiss inkiss ħdejn il-fjuri. F'daqqa waħda qabdet tliet friefet ġo ġarra. Daħlet lura id-dar u poġġiet il-friefet fuq zokk..... xejn maġija. Poġġiethom fuq vażun..... xejn maġija. Telqithom u marret tfitted għal tlett friefet oħra u għadha tfittex sa llum.
Martina Treeby

Darba waħda kien hemm tifla jisimha Naomi. Darba marret ġol-ġnien u waqa' zokk maġiku li bih għamlet ħafna maġija. L-ewwel għamlet vażun blu skur u ġo fih għamlet il-fjuri li fuqhom ġew il-friefet.
Christian Borg

Naomi kienet tifla li taf tagħmel il-maġija. Bdiet minn eta' żgħira ta' xi seba' snin. Darba waħda poġġiet vażun bil-fjuri fuq il-mejda tal-kċina, qabdet iz-zokk tal-maġija u poġġietu fuq il-fjuri u saru friefet.
Kyle Magri

Naomi hija tifla brava. Darba kienet rieqda taħt siġra u f'daqqa waħda waqa' zokk u Naomi nħasdet. Ratu ġabritu u f'qalba bdiet taħseb li hu maġiku. Hi bidlet is-siġra f'tifla bil-maġija. Semmietha michelle. Bdew jilgħabu noli u jiġru wara l-friefet. Għal darba oħra użat il-maġija u flixkun vojt tal-ilma għamlitu vażun vjola. Naomi u Michelle qatgħu ħafna fjuri u poġġewhom fil-vazun.
Faith Frendo

Darba waħda kien hemm tifla jisimha Naomi. Din it-tifla kienet brava. Hija kellha zokk tal-maġija. Naomi xtaqet ħafna li jkollha l-friefet. Imma ġara li flok bdiet iġġib il-friefet bil-maġija bdiet iġġib vażuni bil-fjuri. Imma sa fl-aħħar irnexxielha għax baqgħet tiprova u qalet il-kliem sewwa u l-maġija irnexxietilha. Il-kliem kienu "ara, ara jien nixtieq il-friefet."
Liam Abela

Bravi tfal!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Happy birthday Graziella!


 Dear Leona,
We are having fun.
Today is very hot and the sun is shining.
We are at the beach.
Dear grandma Guza,
Hope you are fine.I'm having a good time here in London.
I'll be back in a few days.
See you!
With love Leona

Dear Haley,
We are at the beach and it is a hot day.
I wish you're here with me to swim with me.
I hope you have a nice day.
Nicole Sciberras.

Dear Kyle,
We are having a good time at the beach.
Isaac and I are eating an ice-cream.
Then we are going on a boat trip.

Dear Chanel,
I am on holiday at Xlendi.
Tomorrow we are going swimming  and playing on the sand.
It is a very nice holiday.
Hope to see you soon.

Dear Martina,
We are having a good time this weekend.
It is very hot day.
We are swimming and playing with sand.
See you soon!

Dear Tristan,
We are at the beach today.
We are having fun.
I would be more happy if you were here.
I'm missing you.

Dear Faith,
We are having a good holiday.
It is very hot and the sun is shining.
We are on the beach today.
It is very nice.

Dear Leona
I'm writing you this few words to ask you if you want to come with
 me to the beach this summer.
If you want please let me know if you're coming or not.

Dear Mike
Today I am at the beach.
I am on holiday.
My mun bought me an ice-cream.
I like my vanilla ice-cream.
I wish you were here.
Dear Nicole P,
We are having a good holiday in Sicily.
There are beautiful places and beaches.
Now we are on the beach.
It is very nice.

Dear Isaac,
We're having a good holiday.
It is very hot and the sun is shining.
We are at the beach today. It is very nice.

Dear Tristan,
We are having a good holiday.
It is very hot today, so we went to the beach.
I hope you're having a good day.
I wish you came come here with me.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy birthday

 Happy birthday Haley!
Happy birthday Nicole!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Gestfest 2012

Yesterday, Saturday 5th May, our class together with year 4's of Ms Grima and year 1 of  Ms Graziella took part in the Gestfest. The children read a poem about trees and sang 3 songs (Ci vuole un fiore, It's never too late to be an eco-warrior and Growing up green). 
Well done kids.
Here are some photos taken on Friday when the characters came to visit us in class and others taken on the day. Enjoy! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fun Games

Last Monday 30th April all year 3s went to John Borg Street Sports Facility. There the children where divided into 6 groups. Each group had different apparatus. The children had to invent different games of every station they went. We all had fun.

Using Pro-Bot in class

Last week in class the children used the Pro-Bot. They were in groups and every group had to program the Pro-Bot to draw a 2-d shape. All groups did well.

Below are some of the pictures I took.

Last Friday we went to MCC where the children had a hands-on experience in different workshops to become more acquainted with graphics, multimedia, animation, music, physical education using the Wii, Bee-Bots, interective whiteboards among others.

Below are some of the photos I took during the activity.