Thursday, December 20, 2012
L-anġli tal-Yr4.2
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Extra work for you! :)
Capital letters
Monday, November 26, 2012
Play, have fun and learn! :)
Play while you practise your time tables.
Multiplication game
Multiplication game 2
Dividing game
Dividing game 2
Multiplication game
Multiplication game 2
Dividing game
Dividing game 2
Strumenti li jkejlu t-temp
Rain-guage jew Pluvjometru
bih naraw kemm għamlet xita
ikejjel it-temperatura
dan jurina min liema direzzjoni jkun ġej ir-riħ
dan ikejjelis-saħħa tar-riħ
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Princess's visit
Today we found a mystery golden envelop in our classroom. It included a letter addressed to us.
It was from three princesses, princess Fabiola, princess Allagonda and pricess Sofie. In this letter we got to know that these princesses are no longer princesses because someone changed them with his magic into something else. They wrote that the only advantage thing there is, is that they can go everywhere now. They can go high above the city and watch people going about.
Today they came into our classroom while we were in the yard having our break. But when they heard footsteps coming they fled fast as they could, but doing so they all lost something in our classroom.
All children looked for these three things because the princesses asked us to return them next Friday when we visit the theater show IN A FIX. After some time searching we managed to find three feathers, one yellow, one black and one blue.
Well done kids, the princesses will be happy to have their feathers back!
It was from three princesses, princess Fabiola, princess Allagonda and pricess Sofie. In this letter we got to know that these princesses are no longer princesses because someone changed them with his magic into something else. They wrote that the only advantage thing there is, is that they can go everywhere now. They can go high above the city and watch people going about.
Today they came into our classroom while we were in the yard having our break. But when they heard footsteps coming they fled fast as they could, but doing so they all lost something in our classroom.
All children looked for these three things because the princesses asked us to return them next Friday when we visit the theater show IN A FIX. After some time searching we managed to find three feathers, one yellow, one black and one blue.
Well done kids, the princesses will be happy to have their feathers back!
After fiding the feathers all children wrote and drew about these mysteries princesses.
Dear princesses,
My name is Tristan. I found the first feather. It was the black feather. I hope the black feather is yours princess Sophie cause I like you best.
Love Tristan
Dear princesses,
I would like to tell you that we found all three feathers. One is yellow, one is black and one is blue. Next Friday i am coming to the show. I can't wait to see you there.
Good bye
To Sofie, Allagonda and Sofie,
Today we found your things that you left in our classroom. They were three feathers. I would like to ask you some questions. Why did you come to our classroom? When did you come to our classroom because before going to break Kyle closed the clasroom door?
Thanks for everything, Gianluca.
Sponge Bob
Last week Sponge Bob came to our class to pay us a visit. :)
We watched a short video, heard songs, wrote and drew about Sponge Bob.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Haunted House
In the haunted house there are nine ghosts. One of them is in front of the bed. Another one is beside the desk. The third one is flying over the fridge. Three of them are in the living room. Two of them are on the sofa. The other one is hiding under the table.
Kayla Formosa and Gianluca Mizzi
There are four ghosts. There is a ghost in the living room. The ghost is behind the armchair. One ghost is is the bathroom and it is on the toilet. The other ghost is in a bath. One ghost is in the bedroom in front of the chair.
Nicole Muscat and Kyle Magri
In the Haunted House there are eleven ghosts. One of them is in the kitchen. He is under the table. In the bedroom there are three ghosts, one of them is beside the bad. In the bathroom there are two ghosts, one of them is in front of the toilet. There are four ghosts in the dining room. One of the is betwwen the chairs. And the last one is flying around the Haunted House.
Chanel Azzopardi and Matthias DeDonno
A ghost is between chairs. A troll is behind a desk. A ghost is flying over the fridge. A ghost is on a desk. A troll is in fromt of a toilet. An elien is under a sofa. Another alien is behind an armchair. A troll is behind a toilet.
Jake Mallia and Mario Vella
In the Haunted House there are seven ghosts. One of them is behind the sofa. Another one is behind the armchair. In the bathroom there is one in front of the chair. In the kitchen there is one flying around the table. On the book case there is an alien. Another alien is on the table. Another ghost is flying over the fridge. I do not want to go into this Haunted House.
There are many ghosts in the Haunted House. There is a ghost flying over the desk. There is a ghost in the bath. There is another one between the chairs in the kitchen. There is a ghost under the desk. There is also a ghost in front of the bed.
Kasey Schembri and Dejan Debrincat
In the Haounted House there are a lot of spooky things. In the house there is a vampire on the bed. There is a big witch flying around the house. In the fridge there is a ghost waiting to go Boo! There is a walking pumpkin on a big smelly table. When the moon was full a mummy turned up in the spooky garden. The witch went into the haunted house. In the cellar an alien and a ghost where playing chess. A vampire went into a little girl's room to bite her. I don't want to go into this haunted house!
Sean Muscat and Kayley Debono
Kayla Formosa and Gianluca Mizzi
There are four ghosts. There is a ghost in the living room. The ghost is behind the armchair. One ghost is is the bathroom and it is on the toilet. The other ghost is in a bath. One ghost is in the bedroom in front of the chair.
Nicole Muscat and Kyle Magri
In the house there are ten ghosts. One of the ghosts is flying around the house. There is a big ghost behind the sofa. In the bath there is a ghost taking a shower. There is a ghost on the shelf. There is a ghost between two chairs. There is also a ghost inside the fridge.There is also a ghost seeping on the sofa. There is one in the chupboard and another on the desk.
Hayley Grixti and Nathan Cross
In the Haunted House there are eleven ghosts. One of them is in the kitchen. He is under the table. In the bedroom there are three ghosts, one of them is beside the bad. In the bathroom there are two ghosts, one of them is in front of the toilet. There are four ghosts in the dining room. One of the is betwwen the chairs. And the last one is flying around the Haunted House.
Chanel Azzopardi and Matthias DeDonno
A ghost is between chairs. A troll is behind a desk. A ghost is flying over the fridge. A ghost is on a desk. A troll is in fromt of a toilet. An elien is under a sofa. Another alien is behind an armchair. A troll is behind a toilet.
Jake Mallia and Mario Vella
In the Haunted House there are seven ghosts. One of them is behind the sofa. Another one is behind the armchair. In the bathroom there is one in front of the chair. In the kitchen there is one flying around the table. On the book case there is an alien. Another alien is on the table. Another ghost is flying over the fridge. I do not want to go into this Haunted House.
There are many ghosts in the Haunted House. There is a ghost flying over the desk. There is a ghost in the bath. There is another one between the chairs in the kitchen. There is a ghost under the desk. There is also a ghost in front of the bed.
Kasey Schembri and Dejan Debrincat
In the Haounted House there are a lot of spooky things. In the house there is a vampire on the bed. There is a big witch flying around the house. In the fridge there is a ghost waiting to go Boo! There is a walking pumpkin on a big smelly table. When the moon was full a mummy turned up in the spooky garden. The witch went into the haunted house. In the cellar an alien and a ghost where playing chess. A vampire went into a little girl's room to bite her. I don't want to go into this haunted house!
Sean Muscat and Kayley Debono
Well done to all!
Villaġġ Orsini
Darba waħda kien hemm ħafna orsini. F'dan il-villaġġ kien hemm ħafna siġar. Erbgħa minhom kienu sejrin iduru. L-ewwel marru ħdejn l-għassa u qagħdu jaraw l-ħaddiema tal-għassa. Wara marru l-grawnd tal-futbol u bdew jaraw logħba futbol. Wara ħarġu u marru ħdejn ix-xmara u qagħdu ħames minuti hemm. Wara marru l-baħar. Wieħed minhom niżel jgħum. Fl-aħħar iddeċiedew li jmorru jixtru. Daħlu fil-ħanut tal-ħelu. Poġġew u qagħdu jaqsmu l-ħelu bejniethom.
Mario Vella
Darba waħda kien hemm Villaġġ Orsini. Fil-villaġġ kien hemm ħafna postijiet sbieħ. Kien hemm ħanut tal-ikel, ħanut taċ-ċikkulata u ħanut tal-fjuri. Fil-villaġġ hemm ferrovija. Il-ferrovija l-orsini jirkbuha biex imorru x-xogħol.
Jake Mallia
Fl-Villaġġ Orsini hemm għassa. L-orsini qegħdin jitrombjaw min fuq il-mitħna. Hemm ferrovija u l-arloġġ tal-istazzjon qed jimmarka t-tmienja. Ħdejn ix-xmara l-orsijiet jidhru ferħana. Hemm ukoll grawnd tal-futbol fejn jilgħabu l-orsini. Hemm ħanut tal-fjuri, ħanut tal-ikel u ħanut tal-ħelu. Fil-villaġġ hemm ħafna fjuri u siġar.
Nicole Muscat
Mario Vella
Darba waħda kien hemm Villaġġ Orsini. Fil-villaġġ kien hemm ħafna postijiet sbieħ. Kien hemm ħanut tal-ikel, ħanut taċ-ċikkulata u ħanut tal-fjuri. Fil-villaġġ hemm ferrovija. Il-ferrovija l-orsini jirkbuha biex imorru x-xogħol.
Jake Mallia
Fl-Villaġġ Orsini hemm għassa. L-orsini qegħdin jitrombjaw min fuq il-mitħna. Hemm ferrovija u l-arloġġ tal-istazzjon qed jimmarka t-tmienja. Ħdejn ix-xmara l-orsijiet jidhru ferħana. Hemm ukoll grawnd tal-futbol fejn jilgħabu l-orsini. Hemm ħanut tal-fjuri, ħanut tal-ikel u ħanut tal-ħelu. Fil-villaġġ hemm ħafna fjuri u siġar.
Nicole Muscat
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Nomi kollettivi
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Mental Maths
Click on the link below and try to work out. These are very similar to the questions we shall have in our exam paper.
Mental Maths
Mental Maths
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Fun with 2d shapes
These are some of the photos that I took of the children while the activity.
Well done kids!
Religion - Lesson 5
L-isqof imexxi l-Familja ta' Alla f'pajjiżna
- Biex imexxu l-Knisja tiegħu, Ġesu' għażel l-Appostli.
- L-Appostli kienu 12.
- Dawk li llum qegħdin ikomplu x-xogħol tal-Appostli huma l-isqfijiet.
- L-imġiba lejn l-isqof tagħna għandha tkun li nħobbuh u nobduh.
- L-isqof ta' Malta huwa Mons Pawlu Cremona.
- L-isqof ta' Għawdex huma Mons Marjo Grech.
- L-isqof ikollu l-baklu (il-bastun) f'idu għax l-isqof huwa r-ragħaj tagħna.
- L-isqof jilbes il-mitra fuq rasu biex juri li huwa l-mexxej tagħna l-insara.
Mons Pawlu Cremona
Mons Marjo Grech
Religion Lesson 4
Il-Familja ta' Alla għamilha Ġesu'
- Il-Knisja li qegħdin fiha aħna għamilha Ġesu'
- Aħna dħalna fil-Knisja ta' Ġesu' meta għamilna l-magħmudija.
Studji Soċjali - Rwoli differenti ta' nies fil-lokalita'
Soċjeta hija grupp ta' nies li jkollhom l-istess drawwiet, twemmin, pajjiz u gvern. Barra l-familja u l-ħbieb f'soċjeta jkun hemm nies li jgħinuna. Din tiġri f'kull lokalita' ta' madwar Malta u Għawdex. Fost dawn in-nies insibu: l-għalliem, in-ners, it-tabib, l-ispiżjar, il-qassis, il-puliżija, il-pustier, id-dentist, il-bennej, il-bidwi, il-kennies, il-mekkanik, il-mastrudaxxa u s-sajjied.
Studji Soċjali - Il-komunita' u konflitti
Komunita hija grupp ta' nies li jgħixu magħquda flimkien għax ikollhom l-istess skopijiet u nteressi. Dawn ikollhom l-istess drawwiet, l-istess gvern u joqgħodu fl-istess pajjiż. Jeħtieġ li kulħadd jaħdem biex jgħin lil xulxin. Kulħadd irid jagħti sehmu.
Kull bniedem ma jistax jgħix waħdu, Fil-ħajja niltaqgħu ma ħafna nies differenti li mux bilfors dejjem naqblu magħhom. Ma jfissirx li meta ma naqblux għandna noqgħodu niġġieldu għax bil-ġlied ma ssolvix pġroblemi. Meta ma naqblux jiġifieri jkun hemm xi komflitti, irridu naraw kif nistgħu nsolvu l-problema billi niddiskutu x'jista jsir.
Kull bniedem ma jistax jgħix waħdu, Fil-ħajja niltaqgħu ma ħafna nies differenti li mux bilfors dejjem naqblu magħhom. Ma jfissirx li meta ma naqblux għandna noqgħodu niġġieldu għax bil-ġlied ma ssolvix pġroblemi. Meta ma naqblux jiġifieri jkun hemm xi komflitti, irridu naraw kif nistgħu nsolvu l-problema billi niddiskutu x'jista jsir.
Religion lesson 3
Aħna wlied San Pawl
- Lil San Pawl insejħulu missierna għax kien hu l-ewwel wieħed li ġabarna fil-Knisja ta' Ġesu' u għamilna wlied Alla.
- Il-ġrajja ta' meta San Pawl ġie Malta nsibuha fl-Atti tal-Appostli.
- Bħala l-ewwel isqof ta' Malta San Pawl ħalla lil San Publiju.
San Pawl telaq bil-ġifen mill-Palestina għal Ruma.
Lil San Pawl arrestawh talli kien Appostlu ta' Ġesu'.
Fit-triq qamet tempesta kbira u bdew jibżgħu li se jegħrqu.
Pawlu qalilhom li bil-lejl deherlu anġlu u qallu li ħadd ma kien se jegħreq.
Wara 14-il ġurnata f'dik it-tempesta ma' blata.
Niżlu fuq ġżira li kienet Malta.
Pawlu dam Malta 3 xhur.
Sakemm dam Malta fejjaq lil missier San Publiju.
Publiju huwa l-ewwel isqof ta' Malta.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Adopt an author
In class this week we started reading Sophie's snail by Dick King Smith.
Click below on this link to learn more about the author Dick King-Smith
Dick King-Smith
Click below on this link to learn more about the author Dick King-Smith
Dick King-Smith
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