Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Here we can see Yelena, Leona, Nicole and Faith recite a poem about Christmas. (Il-Milied)
Well done girls! :)
Well done girls! :)
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Extra work :)
Using fewest coins
Odd and even numbers
Odd and even numbers
Missing numbers
Count by 2
Using fewest coins
Odd and even numbers
Odd and even numbers
Missing numbers
Count by 2
Dawn huma ftit mill-ittri li kitbu it-tfal lil Santa Klaws.
Għażiż Santa klaws Jiena jisimni Leona u għal dan il-Milied nixtieq mobile roża imma qabel tiġi għandi tinsiex lil dawk it-tfal foqra u lil dawk it-tfal li qegħdin l-isptar. U tinsiex il-ħalib u l-gallettini li sa nlestilek qabel immur norqod.
Dejjem tiegħek
Leona Grech
Għażiż Santa Klaws, Jiena jisimni Yelena. Jiena tifla Maltija, din is-sena nixtieq li ġġibli pupa sabiħa għalkemm jien diġa għandi pupi. Imma nixtieq li jkolli din il-pupa biex meta nilgħab biha niftakar fik għax inti raġel tajjeb ħafna. Ħaġa oħra ta’ l-aħħar, jekk jogħġbok ferraħ lil oħti ukoll billi ġġib pupa lilha ukoll u xi ħaġa lil dawk it-tfal fil-bżonn. Grazzi ħafna
Dejjem tiegħek
Yelena Pullicino
Għażiż Santa Klaws Jiena jisimni Logen Attard, noqgħod Birkirkara. Dan il-Milied nixtieq li ġġibli kamera tal-vidjows għax ilni nixtieqha ħafna u jekk jogħġbok tinsiex lil dawk it-tfal li huma anqas ixxurtjati minna u lil dawk it-tfal li huma foqra u bla dar.
Dejjem tiegħek
Logen Attard
Għażiż Santa Klaws, Jiena jisimni Isaac u mmur l-iskola tal-Kulleġġ Santa Tereża B’Kara. Din is-sena kont kwiet ħafna, kemm id-dar u kemm l-iskola. Kull sena naqla rigal sabiħ minn għandek. Din is-sena nixtieq Wii. Taħseb li tkun tista ġġorr ir-rigali tat-tfal kollha jew tqal wisq? Fuq il-mejda se nħallilek tazza ħalib kif ukoll xi ftit gallettini. Se nħallilek il-bieb miftuħ biex tgħaddi minnu. Grazzi ħafna Dejjem tiegħek
Isaac Cardona
Għażiż Santa Klaws Jiena jisimni Nicole. Kif inti? Min jaf kemm għandek x’tagħmel f’dan iż-żmien tal-Milied. Jiena ma’ nixtieqx rigal kbir għax ġa irċevejt rigal kbir għax twieldet oħti, jisimha Michela. Dan il-Milied jiena nixtieq ‘Jewelpet’ biex b’hekk inkun nista’ nilgħab ma’ oħti.
Dejjem tiegħek
Nicole Porter
Għażiż Santa Klaws Nispera li tinsab tajjeb. Jien ninsab tajba ħafna. Din is-sena mhux ħa nitolbok rigali imma ħa nħallilek xi ħaġa jien taħt is-siġra tal-Milied biex kif tkun hawn teħodha lil xi ħadd li m’għandux biex jilgħab.
Dejjem tiegħek
Shaliziah Buttiġieġ
Għażiż Santa Klaws Għal sena oħra qed nerġa nikteb, nispera li tinsab tajjeb, bħal ma ninsab jiena. Jekk issaqsini x’irrid għal din is-sena jekk hu possibli, ġo ħanut partikolari meta kont mal-mama’ nixtru, rajt fenek sabiħ u jiċċaqlaq. Issa ħa jkolli mmur għax sar il-ħin u ftakar fit-tfal l-oħra ukoll.
Dejjem tiegħek
Maraya Aquilina
Għażiż Santa Klaws Kif int? Jien ok. Jimsimni Faith u għandi seba’ snin. Noqgħod Birkirkara. Jien nixtieq Barbie bil-pool u lil ħija għax kien bravu ġiblu karozza kbira. X’ħin tinżel miċ-ċumnija se nħallilek tazza ħalib u ftit gallettini u għaċ-ċriev tiegħek ftit ilma u karrotti. Tinsiex lit-tfal foqra u morda jekk jogħġbok. Grazzi ħafna.
Dejjem tiegħek
Faith Frendo
Dejjem tiegħek
Leona Grech
Għażiż Santa Klaws, Jiena jisimni Yelena. Jiena tifla Maltija, din is-sena nixtieq li ġġibli pupa sabiħa għalkemm jien diġa għandi pupi. Imma nixtieq li jkolli din il-pupa biex meta nilgħab biha niftakar fik għax inti raġel tajjeb ħafna. Ħaġa oħra ta’ l-aħħar, jekk jogħġbok ferraħ lil oħti ukoll billi ġġib pupa lilha ukoll u xi ħaġa lil dawk it-tfal fil-bżonn. Grazzi ħafna
Dejjem tiegħek
Yelena Pullicino
Għażiż Santa Klaws Jiena jisimni Logen Attard, noqgħod Birkirkara. Dan il-Milied nixtieq li ġġibli kamera tal-vidjows għax ilni nixtieqha ħafna u jekk jogħġbok tinsiex lil dawk it-tfal li huma anqas ixxurtjati minna u lil dawk it-tfal li huma foqra u bla dar.
Dejjem tiegħek
Logen Attard
Għażiż Santa Klaws, Jiena jisimni Isaac u mmur l-iskola tal-Kulleġġ Santa Tereża B’Kara. Din is-sena kont kwiet ħafna, kemm id-dar u kemm l-iskola. Kull sena naqla rigal sabiħ minn għandek. Din is-sena nixtieq Wii. Taħseb li tkun tista ġġorr ir-rigali tat-tfal kollha jew tqal wisq? Fuq il-mejda se nħallilek tazza ħalib kif ukoll xi ftit gallettini. Se nħallilek il-bieb miftuħ biex tgħaddi minnu. Grazzi ħafna Dejjem tiegħek
Isaac Cardona
Għażiż Santa Klaws Jiena jisimni Nicole. Kif inti? Min jaf kemm għandek x’tagħmel f’dan iż-żmien tal-Milied. Jiena ma’ nixtieqx rigal kbir għax ġa irċevejt rigal kbir għax twieldet oħti, jisimha Michela. Dan il-Milied jiena nixtieq ‘Jewelpet’ biex b’hekk inkun nista’ nilgħab ma’ oħti.
Dejjem tiegħek
Nicole Porter
Għażiż Santa Klaws Nispera li tinsab tajjeb. Jien ninsab tajba ħafna. Din is-sena mhux ħa nitolbok rigali imma ħa nħallilek xi ħaġa jien taħt is-siġra tal-Milied biex kif tkun hawn teħodha lil xi ħadd li m’għandux biex jilgħab.
Dejjem tiegħek
Shaliziah Buttiġieġ
Għażiż Santa Klaws Għal sena oħra qed nerġa nikteb, nispera li tinsab tajjeb, bħal ma ninsab jiena. Jekk issaqsini x’irrid għal din is-sena jekk hu possibli, ġo ħanut partikolari meta kont mal-mama’ nixtru, rajt fenek sabiħ u jiċċaqlaq. Issa ħa jkolli mmur għax sar il-ħin u ftakar fit-tfal l-oħra ukoll.
Dejjem tiegħek
Maraya Aquilina
Għażiż Santa Klaws Kif int? Jien ok. Jimsimni Faith u għandi seba’ snin. Noqgħod Birkirkara. Jien nixtieq Barbie bil-pool u lil ħija għax kien bravu ġiblu karozza kbira. X’ħin tinżel miċ-ċumnija se nħallilek tazza ħalib u ftit gallettini u għaċ-ċriev tiegħek ftit ilma u karrotti. Tinsiex lit-tfal foqra u morda jekk jogħġbok. Grazzi ħafna.
Dejjem tiegħek
Faith Frendo

Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Educational games!

Months of the year
Days of the week
Friday, December 2, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Wednesday 30th November
Doubles game
What time is it?
Doubles game
What time is it?
Monday, November 28, 2011
extra work
Ordering game
Nouns game
Odd and even worksheet
Telling time worksheets
Nouns worksheet
Nouns game
Odd and even worksheet
Telling time worksheets
Nouns worksheet
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Read this story about odd and even numbers. :)
Now click below and have fun drawing odd and even numbers.
Click below and play:
Now click below and have fun drawing odd and even numbers.
Click below and play:
Monday, November 21, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Using has and have
Below you will find 4 worksheets to print and work out and 3 to work on-line. :)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Extra work
watch these 2 videos about 3d shapes and conjunctions
watch these 2 videos about 3d shapes and conjunctions
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Fufu l-qattus

Darba kien hemm qattus jismu Fufu. Fufu kien qattus imqareb u storbjuż. Darba fost l-oħrajn, gieh f’moħħu li jagħmel waħda minn tiegħu. Il-mama’ kienet għadha kif għamlet xirja ħut minn Marsaxlokk u kienet nefqet ħafna flus. Kienet strat mal-ħamsin ewro ħut. Kellha lampuki, awrat, salamun, qarnita u fanfri. Fufu xamm ir-riħa tal-ħut u tilef rasu. Il-mama’ kienet ħalliet il-ħut fuq il-mejda tal-kċina sakemm marret tixtri ftit ħobż. Kif seta’ Fufu ma’ jattakkax dak il-ħut kollu? Qabeż fuq il-mejda u għamel festa! Fi ftit minuti kull ma ħalla ftit xewk u rjus tal-ħut u żaqqu kienet saret qisha tambur tal-banda! Tistgħu taħsbu x’għamlet il-mama’. Kemm werżqet u ġriet wara Fufu bl-ixkupa! Il-povru qattus qala’ għajta kbira u għamel tlett ijiem ma jiekol l-ikel favorit tiegħu. Wara din il-bawxata, Fufu qatt aktar ma għamel praspura oħra. Issa naraw kemm se jżommha!
Martina Treeby
Yr 3.1

Saturday, November 12, 2011
Parents evening
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Extra work - length
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The 3 electrical rules
These are some of the drawings the children drew after attending a lesson about electricity safety. Well done! :)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
These are some of the drawings and the sentences the children wrote and drew about their favourite toys.
My favourite toy

My favourite toy is a dog princess.
My toy is very soft and its colour is white.
It is small and its name is Daisy.
It is made of soft cotton.
My mother and father gave me this toy for my birthday.
I play with my toy in her castle.
I keep it in my bedroom.
I play when I have some free time.
I had this dog from when I was two years.
It is special because she has a beautiful dress.
I like it because I like to dress her.
Nicole Sciberras
My favourite toy is a doll.
My doll is big.
My doll is made of plastic.
My grandmother gave it to me as a present for my birthday.
I play with my doll like a mum and her baby.
I keep it in her bed.
Every day after I finish my homework I play with my doll.
It is four years old.
It is special because it is a birthday present.
I like it because it is like a real baby.
Shaliziah Buttigieg
My favourite toy is a ball.
The colours of the ball are yellow and black.
I like my ball.
I play with my ball in the football ground.
I play football with my friends.
I enjoy playing with my ball.
Tristan Bugeja
My favourite toy is Ben Ten.
My toy is a small, green character doll.
When it falls it does not break because it is made of plastic.
My grandparents gave it to me.
I got it for being a good boy.
I play with my toy after I do my homework.
I keep my toy in a special box.
Ben Ten is two years old.
I like my toy because I take it everywhere with me.
It is special toy because he is like my brother.
Liam Abela
My favourite toy is a big cat.
It is very soft and cuddly.
It’s colour is brown and white.
My mother bought it for me from Italy.
I keep it in my room on my bed.
I play with it every day.
I am very happy with my toy.
It is very special for me because it meows when I talk to it.
Leona Grech
I have many toys.
My favourite toy is a robot dinasour.
It is a robot and it has a remote control.
It’s colour is black and white.
My mum and dad gave it to me.
I keep it in a box.
I do not let my sister play with it.
I play with it on the floor.
My robot is very slow.
I like my robot because it has a remote control.
Christian Borg
My toy is a toy cat.
Father Christmas gave it to me last Christmas.
It is brown and white.
It has a cute pink nose.
My toy is very soft and cuddly.
It has a red dotted bow around its neck.
My toys name is Ringo.
Father Christmas also gave me a small basket to keep Ringo at night.
My cat moves its head and purrs like a real one.
I like my toy cat Ringo very much.
Nicole Porter
My favourite toy is a baby doll.
Its name is Annabelle.
I can be a real mother to my doll.
I can change her clothes.
I can give her real water.
It cries with tears like a real baby.
I sleep with my baby doll every night.
Faith Frendo

My favourite toy is a dog princess.
My toy is very soft and its colour is white.
It is small and its name is Daisy.
It is made of soft cotton.
My mother and father gave me this toy for my birthday.
I play with my toy in her castle.
I keep it in my bedroom.
I play when I have some free time.
I had this dog from when I was two years.
It is special because she has a beautiful dress.
I like it because I like to dress her.
Nicole Sciberras
My favourite toy is a doll.
My doll is big.
My doll is made of plastic.
My grandmother gave it to me as a present for my birthday.
I play with my doll like a mum and her baby.
I keep it in her bed.
Every day after I finish my homework I play with my doll.
It is four years old.
It is special because it is a birthday present.
I like it because it is like a real baby.
Shaliziah Buttigieg
My favourite toy is a ball.
The colours of the ball are yellow and black.
I like my ball.
I play with my ball in the football ground.
I play football with my friends.
I enjoy playing with my ball.
Tristan Bugeja
My favourite toy is Ben Ten.
My toy is a small, green character doll.
When it falls it does not break because it is made of plastic.
My grandparents gave it to me.
I got it for being a good boy.
I play with my toy after I do my homework.
I keep my toy in a special box.
Ben Ten is two years old.
I like my toy because I take it everywhere with me.
It is special toy because he is like my brother.
Liam Abela
My favourite toy is a big cat.
It is very soft and cuddly.
It’s colour is brown and white.
My mother bought it for me from Italy.
I keep it in my room on my bed.
I play with it every day.
I am very happy with my toy.
It is very special for me because it meows when I talk to it.
Leona Grech
I have many toys.
My favourite toy is a robot dinasour.
It is a robot and it has a remote control.
It’s colour is black and white.
My mum and dad gave it to me.
I keep it in a box.
I do not let my sister play with it.
I play with it on the floor.
My robot is very slow.
I like my robot because it has a remote control.
Christian Borg
My toy is a toy cat.
Father Christmas gave it to me last Christmas.
It is brown and white.
It has a cute pink nose.
My toy is very soft and cuddly.
It has a red dotted bow around its neck.
My toys name is Ringo.
Father Christmas also gave me a small basket to keep Ringo at night.
My cat moves its head and purrs like a real one.
I like my toy cat Ringo very much.
Nicole Porter
My favourite toy is a baby doll.
Its name is Annabelle.
I can be a real mother to my doll.
I can change her clothes.
I can give her real water.
It cries with tears like a real baby.
I sleep with my baby doll every night.
Faith Frendo
Extra work
adding multiples of 10
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Extra work - adding 10 & adding 11
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Today we talked about monkeys. Then we wrote some sentences and drew some pictures. The children also made monkey door hangers. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Money - using euro coins
These are my lovely kids having fun while learning during a maths lesson, using the euro coins.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Jum l-annimali
Illum l-iskola ġiet organizzata jum l-annimali. Il-ġenituri flimkien mat-tfal ġabu l-'pets' magħhom l-iskola u ġew imbierka. Dawn huma ftit mir-ritratti li ħadt dalgħodu.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Illum ktibt l-email address flimkien mal-password tat-tfal fuq id-diary.
Hawn taħt ser issibu xi struzzjonijiet kif tuża l-email, sabiex tkunu tistgħu tgħinu lit-tfal id-dar.
Morru fuq http://www.skola.edu.mt/
Agħfsu fuq

Wara tiġi din
Hawnhekk it-tfal jiktbu l-email address li għandhom fuq id-diary u fil-kaxxa tal-Password jiktbu l-password li għandhom fid-diary.
Fl-aħħar jagħfsu Enter u jidħlu.
Meta jidħlu fil-mail tagħhom it-tfal ser isibu email mingħandi. Jistgħu jiprattikaw billi jagħfsu

u jibgħatuli lura.
Hawn taħt ser issibu xi struzzjonijiet kif tuża l-email, sabiex tkunu tistgħu tgħinu lit-tfal id-dar.
Morru fuq http://www.skola.edu.mt/
Agħfsu fuq
Wara tiġi din
Hawnhekk it-tfal jiktbu l-email address li għandhom fuq id-diary u fil-kaxxa tal-Password jiktbu l-password li għandhom fid-diary.
Fl-aħħar jagħfsu Enter u jidħlu.
Meta jidħlu fil-mail tagħhom it-tfal ser isibu email mingħandi. Jistgħu jiprattikaw billi jagħfsu
u jibgħatuli lura.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Click below, print and work out. :)
Monday, October 3, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Alphabet neighbours
Click below, print and work out :
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
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